The Berean SDA Church is a congregation of people who are passionate and focused on being true Christ-followers. We are a multigenerational/multinational church that celebrates and affirms its diversity, where people from all over the world are represented. 

During the pandemic, Berean has:

  • Fed hundreds of families
  • Sheltered homeless people
  • Installed an elevator
  • Held four evangelistic meetings
  • Established a relationship with the South Caribbean Conference
  • Cut down two Magnolia trees that were damaging the building
  • Upgraded the media equipment
  • Installed lighting in the sanctuary
  • Upgraded the church security system
  • Redecorated the parents’ suite
  • Created a family bathroom
  • Created a handicap-accessible bathroom in the parents’ suite
    Renovated the administrative area
  • Created an office for the clerks
  • Replaced the floor of the third-floor multi-purpose room
  • Honored Walter Pearson and dedicated the conference room in his honor
  • Given $17,000 to Berean Christian Junior Academy
  • Given $10,000 to Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy
  • Had 100 trees planted at the schools by Trees Atlanta
  • Replaced the HVAC system for the gym
  • Upgraded the security system at GAAA 

We’ve adopted as our theme for the 2022-2023 term, “Stronger Together: See the Vision. Join the Mission.”

Our vision is that we see ourselves – we see Berean – as a means to not only be a physical destination for congregants who want to worship in person but also as the bridge to connect precious souls with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through various means of technology.

Our mission is to: 

  • Work together cohesively and creatively 
  • Mold our various ministries to be relevant, to matter in people’s daily lives, both practically and spiritually.

What we Believe

The Trinity
We believe God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that He is a being of unimaginably wonderful power, goodness, and love. Psalm 118:1, Psalm 145:1–9, Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14

We believes the world exists because God created it, that it belongs to Him and therefore we should cherish and care for it. Genesis 1:1, Psalm 24:1–2, Isaiah 40:25–26, 1 Corinthians 10:26

We believe all human beings have dignity because they were created by God in His own image, and great worth because they are valued by God beyond our ability to measure. Genesis 1:27, 31, Psalm 8:3–6, John 3:16, Romans 5:8

We believe this world also has pain and suffering because human beings have fallen and sinned, and are estranged from God, from each other, from ourselves, and from creation. Genesis 3:17, Romans 3:23, Colossians 1:21, Titus 3:3

God’s Redemptive Plan
We believe God does not intend for sin and suffering to get the last word but is at work to redeem and reconcile what He has made. Isaiah 11:6–9, Colossians 1:21–23, Revelation 21:1–5

We believe God has expressed himself uniquely in His Son Jesus, who lived, taught, died, and rose again for our sakes. Jesus is our master and teacher and savior and friend and now reigns forever with the Father and the Holy Spirit. John 14:6–7, Acts 2:32, 1 Corinthians 15:3–4, Ephesians 2:13, Colossians 1:15–20, Philippians 2:5–11, 1 Timothy 2:5–6

The Bible
We believe God has revealed the truth about Himself in the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, which are our unique and authoritative guides in faith and action. Matthew 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Timothy 3:16–17

The Holy Spirit
We believe the Spirit of God is now available so we can be closer to God than the air we breathe. John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26, Galatians 3:14, Ephesians 1:13–14

The Church
We believe the Church is the community through which God wants to bring love, healing, and growth to the human race, to which He invites everyone who is willing to follow Jesus to join. Matthew 18:18–20, John 1:12–13, Acts 1:8, Galatians 3:28, 1 Peter 2:9

We live in hope because one day Jesus will return, love and justice will prevail, and God will set the world right. Matthew 24:30–31, Luke 12:40, Romans 8:37–39, Revelation 21:1–5

Some of our goals to enhance winning souls include:

  • Building our online community  
  • Upgrading media equipment 
  • Rebuilding our church members’ connectivity through each department/ministry  
  • Rebuilding spiritual and social activities for our children, youth and young adults 
  • Increasing BCDC, BCJA and GAAA exposure and enrollment  
  • Increasing Berean Village residency  
  • Feeding hungry families in the surrounding area and connecting them to our church, schools and child development center 
  • Holding four evangelistic series each year 
  • Increasing online giving 
  • Raising funding to make structural repairs to the church and BOMC
  • Opening a free health clinic at the former conference office
  • Providing mental health support