Let's talk about the Sabbath (LIVE)
The Sabbath has perplex many and the question as to whether we as Christians should keep the Sabbath should be considered. Do the scriptures support keeping the Sabbath or is the Sabbath something that was done away with at the cross. Tune in for a live question and conversation session about the Sabbath with HopeLives365 Media Director Matt Gray, HopeLives365 Associate Director Pastor Chris Holland, Head Pastor of Dalton Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Chester Van Clark III, Neurologist Norman McNulty MD, Michigan Conference Associate Ministerial Director Pastor Wes Peppers and Superintendent of Michigan Conference Education Department Jeremy Hall.
➤Put your Sabbath questions and comments in the chat/comment area and we will try to answer them during the broadcast. If we are unable to get to your question our Bible instructors will give a response after the video has finished.
➤ Best Sabbath website resource https://www.sabbathtruth.com/
➤ Find a Sabbath keeping church here- https://www.adventist.org/find-a-church/
➤If you would like to make a commitment for Christ and be baptized or would like to study with one of our Bible instructors, message [email protected]
🔴Related Videos:
Has the Sabbath been changed to Sunday?- https://youtu.be/uYsahpFR-dk
Which day is the Lords Day according to the Bible?- https://youtu.be/Olau4P6GwlE
Does it Matter which day you keep the Sabbath? (Romans 14)- https://youtu.be/wluVYcB8h1M
Let no one Judge You for not Keeping the Sabbath (Colossians 2)- https://youtu.be/l3TJN1hDUyA
Is there any work that is honorable on the Sabbath?- https://youtu.be/sNdPFc6Sqwk?t=168
Is there any verse in the Bible which says Jesus made Sunday a day of worship?- https://youtu.be/6knuE9zcjNs?t=859
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