Berean SDA Church

Exact Proof the Bible is Accurate Using Time Prophecy | Mark Finley

Daniel 8 and 9 show us proof the Bible is accurate. We can look at the time prophecies and calculate the exact dates with precision. It's amazing more people don't know about Bible prophecy. The 2300 day vision given to Daniel, the 70 week prophecy,...

Daniel 7 – Unsealing the Symbols with Mark Finley (Bible Prophecy)

In Daniel 7, the prophet outlines the rise and fall of kingdoms. These kingdoms battle for world dominion. Armies fight for this earth’s throne. Potential leaders aspire to earthly greatness. Kings and emperors wage war. The stakes are high; the rulership of this world hangs...

Daniel 6 Mark of the Beast Connection | Pastor Mark Finley

Daniel 6 shows us what happens when there is a conflict between God's law and man's law. Daniel was persecuted because he refused to sacrifice his relationship with God for the laws and traditions of man. In Revelation there is a battle over worship just...

Avoid this False Church System | Mark Finley (Revelation 17)

Revelation describes a false church system depicted as a harlot riding a beast in Revelation 17. This Babylonian system of religion is rooted in man made teachings and traditions. In contrast, Christ’s church is built upon the solid foundation of His Word, guided by His...

This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

The Sabbath is a memorial to creation. The Sabbath is a holy time set a part by God for man to rest from his labor, rest from his daily pleasures and communion with the Creator. Contrary to what many people believe, the Sabbath is not...

Revelation’s Creation Connection | Mark Finley (Revelation 14)

Revelation 14 says to worship God who made the heavens, the Earth the sea and the springs of water. The question is, how does one worship God as the creator? In a world where the theory of evolution has grown to a status of fact,...

The Obedience Dilemma | Mark Finley (Revelation 14)

Revelation 14 says to fear God and give glory to Him, but what does that actually mean? Some people are under the impression that obedience is not important to God. That we are hopeless when it comes to overcoming sin. Is this what Jesus taught?...

Mathematical Proof we are Living in the Last Days | Mark Finley

Revelation and Daniel are the two great prophetic books in the Bible that speak of end time events. In this video we'll look at the divine prophetic timetable outlined by God given to Daniel and how it relates to the judgment spoken about in Revelation...